1. Do you like to watch horror movies? Why/ Why not?
2. What is the scariest movie you have ever watched?
3. How long does it haunt you after watching a horror movie?
4. Have you ever had any nightmares?
5. What do you do when you are alone and feeling scared?
6. How do you react when you watch horror movies or hear some scary story?
7. Who do you like to watch horror movies together with?
8. What are you most afraid of?
What happens when a horror movie composer and a guitar maker join forces? They create the world’s most disturbing musical instrument. Affectionately known as “The Apprehension Engine,” this one-of-a-kind
instrument was commissioned by movie composer Mark Korven. Korven wanted to create spooky noises in a more acoustic and original way—but the right instrument didn’t exist. So his friend, guitar maker Tony Duggan-Smith, went deep into his workshop and assembled what has to be the spookiest instrument on Earth.
Category: Art