Old technology
1. What kinds of old technology do you know?
2. Have you ever used old technology?
3. Do you think some older technology is better than modern ones?
4. What technology did people use to communicate in the past?
5. How did people travel before there were cars?
6. Would you like to live in the old time?
7. What is your favorite old technology?
8. If you had to go back 1000 years, what technology would you like to take with you?
The kids play with another old piece of technology, an old camera! Find out if they can figure out how to take a picture!
Watch the kids try and figure out how to use a 1970’s era computer in another special Old Technology episode!
Watch the kids try to figure out how a Walkman works and what they think of how it competes against the technology of today.
The Teens watch the 90’s era instructional video, Kids’ Guide to The Internet and discuss how the internet has evolved over time.