English Conversation Questions



1. Are you happy with your pronunciation?
2. What do you do to improve your pronunciation?
3. Do you prefer British or American pronunciation?
4. What pronunciation problems do learners of your language have?
5. Is pronunciation very important to you?
6. Can you easily pronounce all of the sounds in English?
7. What is the hardest English word to pronounce for you?
8. What is the hardest word to pronounce in your language?

0 of 100 max characters.


An animated interpretation of Denice Frohman’s poem “Accents”.

Category:  Art | Education & Language
Keywords: Pronunciation | Roots
Pop quiz. Try pronouncing the following. Ready? Go. Elucubrate. Smaragdine. Scherenschnitte. Head scratchers, huh? Not for Jacques Bailly. As the official pronouncer of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, he can tackle


any word thrown at him. He started his wordsmith career as the 1980 spelling bee champion. These days, Jacques feels the heat of etymological battle from the other side of the mic.


Category:  Education & Language