1. What is the perfect weather temperature for you?
2. What do you think of the temperatures in your country?
3. How does a change in temperature affect your feelings?
4. What is the coldest temperature you’ve ever experienced?
5. What is the hottest temperature you’ve ever experienced?
6. Have you ever had a very high temperature?
7. What makes your blood boil?
8. Do you always use the temperature control in your house?
Building a perfect igloo takes cool science!
If you ever find yourself stranded in the snowy Arctic (or bored in Minecraft), you’re gonna need to know how
If you ever find yourself stranded in the snowy Arctic (or bored in Minecraft), you’re gonna need to know how
to build an igloo. But how can building a house made of ice keep you warm? The science behind building an igloo is the same reason that otters and reindeer don’t freeze to death!
Category: Art
The crazy story of the arbitrary temperature scale used in a tiny minority of countries.
Category: Geography & Travel | History & Culture
Keywords: Temperature | United States
Turns out there’s a lot of chemistry in cooking.
Fahrenheit, explained to the rest of the world.
Since I’ve moved to the US in 2010, there’s one thing that I still don’t fully understand: the imperial system.
Since I’ve moved to the US in 2010, there’s one thing that I still don’t fully understand: the imperial system.
Virtually every country on earth uses Celsius but America has yet to follow. Although it might not seem like a big deal, not using the metric system puts America at a great disadvantage. For example, American kids have to learn 2 sets of measurements making science education even more difficult. On top of that, American companies have to produce extra products to export to metric countries. So why does the United States still have such an antiquated system of measurement?
Category: Geography & Travel | History & Culture
Keywords: Temperature | United States