1. How do you get wealth?
2. Does wealth make people happy?
3. What are the best and worst things about being wealthy?
4. What would you do if you had incredible wealth?
5. Do you think your personality would change if you had great wealth?
6. What questions would you like to ask a wealthy person?
7. “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” What do you think of this quote?
8. “Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.” What do you think of this quote?
Did you know that gold is extraterrestrial? Instead of arising from our planet’s rocky crust, it was actually cooked up in space and is present on Earth because of cataclysmic stellar explosions called supernovae. CERN Scientist
David Lunney outlines the incredible journey of gold from space to Earth.
Lesson by David Lunney, animation by Andrew Foerster.
Lesson by David Lunney, animation by Andrew Foerster.
Category: Nature & Environment
Keywords: Inventions | Wealth
Imagine winning a multi-million dollar lottery tomorrow. If you’re like many of us, you’d be ecstatic, unable to believe your good luck. But would that joy still be there a few years later? Raj Raghunathan describes a phenomenon
called hedonic adaptation, which may shed light on the answer.
Lesson by Raj Raghunathan, animation by Allen Laseter.
Lesson by Raj Raghunathan, animation by Allen Laseter.
Category: Psychology