1. Do you like gambling?
2. What forms of gambling are legal and illegal in your country?
3. Have you ever been to a horse race or a casino?
4. Do you think the life of a professional gambler is a glamorous one?
5. What makes people so addicted to gambling?
6. Do you think buying lottery tickets is a form of gambling?
7. Why don’t governments make all forms of gambling illegal?
8. Which part of our character makes so many of us interested in gambling?
Imagine winning a multi-million dollar lottery tomorrow. If you’re like many of us, you’d be ecstatic, unable to believe your good luck. But would that joy still be there a few years later? Raj Raghunathan describes a phenomenon
called hedonic adaptation, which may shed light on the answer.
Lesson by Raj Raghunathan, animation by Allen Laseter.
Lesson by Raj Raghunathan, animation by Allen Laseter.
Category: Psychology