1. Can you ride a bicycle?
2. Do you have a bicycle? What color is it?
3. What are your memories of learning to ride a bicycle?
4. Have you ever injured yourself falling off of a bicycle?
5. Do many people ride bicycles in your country?
6. Have you ever had your bicycle stolen?
7. What are the advantages of a bicycle over a car?
8. Do you think it’s dangerous in your country for cyclists?
9. Should cyclists always wear protective gear?
10. Is bike sharing common in your country? Is it useful?
How long did it take you to learn how to ride a bicycle? How long do you think it would take you to un-learn how to ride a bicycle? Is it true that you can never forget how to ride a bicycle? How do these biases in your brain
actually work? With the help of a group of welders, engineer Destin Sandlin created an experiment using a “backwards” bicycle to explore these very questions.
Category: Psychology | Science
Annie Londonderry gained infamy for being the first woman to bicycle around the world—all in only 15 months. But the story is a little more complicated than that. During a time when very few women rode bicycles, legend has
it that Annie accepted a wager to circumnavigate the world on two wheels. As the story goes, she traveled the globe, hunting tigers in India with royalty, sustaining a gunshot wound to the shoulder, and even being interned in a Japanese prison. But her incredible tales are more myth than truth …
Category: Geography & Travel | Sports